Elon Musk has unveiled an AI chatbot named Grok on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, though it is currently restricted to selected users. Musk touted Grok as among the best AI chatbots and highlighted its affinity for sarcasm and humor in responses. Despite Musk’s claims, early indications suggest Grok shares common issues with other AI tools, such as its reluctance to answer certain questions. Grok, developed by the team at Grok xAI, is in beta testing but will eventually be available to paying subscribers of X. Musk envisions it being integrated into the X app and offered as a standalone app.
Musk has mentioned that his new AI chatbot comes equipped with ‘a little humor.’
November 6, 2023
1 Min Read
[…] Elon Musk, also an original co-founder at OpenAI, expressed deep concern on X, formerly Twitter, stating that he was “very worried.” […]